Title: "Default settings for text and label tools"
EscapeEnabled: 1
Modal: 1
AlwaysOnTop: 1
HasTitleBar: 1
Closeable: 1
Close: "Graphic.Label Defaults Close"
Open: "Graphic.Label Defaults Open"
DefaultButton: 83
S: "OK"
S: "Cancel"
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
Child: 9
Child: 10
Child: 11
Child: 59
Child: 60
Child: 62
ResBox: 77
ResBox: 78
ResBox: 79
ResBox: 80
ResBox: 81
ResBox: 82
Listening: 1
InternalName: "OK"
Help: "Accepts the new settings and closes the Text and Label Defaults dialog"
Label: "OK"
Click: "Graphic.Label Defaults Button"
InternalName: "Cancel"
Help: "Cancels any changes you made and closes the Text and Label Defaults dialog"
Label: "Cancel"
Click: "Graphic.Label Defaults Button"
InternalName: "PropsPanel"
Child: 12
Child: 34
Child: 35
Child: 36
Child: 39
Child: 37
Child: 40
Child: 41
Child: 42
Child: 43
Child: 44
Child: 46
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 47
ResBox: 48
ResBox: 49
ResBox: 50
ResBox: 51
ResBox: 52
ResBox: 53
ResBox: 54
ResBox: 55
ResBox: 56
ResBox: 57
ResBox: 58
Label: "Defaults for"
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "TagTextPan"
Child: 13
Child: 14
Child: 15
Child: 17
Child: 18
Child: 19
Child: 20
Child: 21
Child: 22
Child: 23
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 24
ResBox: 25
ResBox: 26
ResBox: 27
ResBox: 28
ResBox: 29
ResBox: 30
ResBox: 31
ResBox: 32
ResBox: 33
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "CDS"
Help: "Check this to add a drop shadow to the callout box"
Listening: 1
Label: "Use drop-shadow"
Click: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
Constraints: 0x55
InternalName: "UseOutline"
Help: "Check this to place an outline around your callout label"
Listening: 1
Label: "Use outline"
Click: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
Constraints: 0x55
InternalName: "COLWidth"
Help: "Choose an outline width"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "OLColor"
Help: "Choose an outline color"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "DSColor"
Help: "Choose a color to use for the drop-shadow"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "BGColor"
Help: "Choose the color that will fill the callout box"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "t6"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Width (pts):"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "t7"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Outline color:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "t8"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Fill color:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "DSLabel"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Shadow color:"
Listening: 1
Left: 3.00000000000000
Top: 116.00000000000000
Right: 165.00000000000000
Bottom: 97.00000000000000
Left: 4.00000000000000
Top: 26.00000000000000
Right: 123.00000000000000
Bottom: 6.00000000000000
Left: 103.00000000000000
Top: 173.00000000000000
Right: 223.00000000000000
Bottom: 23.00000000000000
Left: 103.00000000000000
Top: 196.00000000000000
Right: 223.00000000000000
Bottom: 46.00000000000000
Left: 103.00000000000000
Top: 267.00000000000000
Right: 223.00000000000000
Bottom: 117.00000000000000
Left: 103.00000000000000
Top: 223.00000000000000
Right: 223.00000000000000
Bottom: 73.00000000000000
Left: 13.00000000000000
Top: 46.00000000000000
Right: 109.00000000000000
Bottom: 28.00000000000000
Left: 13.00000000000000
Top: 67.00000000000000
Right: 109.00000000000000
Bottom: 49.00000000000000
Left: 6.00000000000000
Top: 92.00000000000000
Right: 88.00000000000000
Bottom: 75.00000000000000
Left: 13.00000000000000
Top: 137.00000000000000
Right: 109.00000000000000
Bottom: 120.00000000000000
InternalName: "CSize"
Help: "Choose a point size for your font"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "CStyle"
Help: "Choose a style for your font"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "FontName"
Help: "Choose a font"
NextControl: 37
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
ColumnCount: 1
Listening: 1
VerticalScroll: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
SelectionStyle: 38
InternalName: "FontColor"
Help: "Choose a foreground color for your font"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "t9"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Font:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "UseSymWinDefs"
Help: "Check this to use the Symbol Window's default settings for text"
Listening: 1
Selected: 1
Label: "Use Symbol Window settings for text"
Click: "Graphic.UseSymWinDefs"
Constraints: 0x55
InternalName: "t3"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Color:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "t4"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Size (pts):"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "t5"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Style:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "TSample"
Disabled: 1
Help: "This is what the text for the selected tool will look like the next time you use that tool"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
ColumnCount: 1
Listening: 1
SelectionStyle: 45
InternalName: "aTextLabel1"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Sample text symbol:"
Listening: 1
Left: 191.00000000000000
Top: 262.00000000000000
Right: 421.00000000000000
Bottom: 116.00000000000000
Left: 69.00000000000000
Top: 351.00000000000000
Right: 184.00000000000000
Bottom: 223.00000000000000
Left: 69.00000000000000
Top: 402.00000000000000
Right: 184.00000000000000
Bottom: 244.00000000000000
Left: 7.00000000000000
Top: 197.00000000000000
Right: 184.00000000000000
Bottom: 67.00000000000000
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 70.00000000000000
Right: 90.00000000000000
Bottom: 51.00000000000000
Left: 69.00000000000000
Top: 334.00000000000000
Right: 184.00000000000000
Bottom: 203.00000000000000
Left: 16.00000000000000
Top: 39.00000000000000
Right: 319.00000000000000
Bottom: 21.00000000000000
Left: 7.00000000000000
Top: 222.00000000000000
Right: 68.00000000000000
Bottom: 205.00000000000000
Left: 7.00000000000000
Top: 241.00000000000000
Right: 77.00000000000000
Bottom: 224.00000000000000
Left: 7.00000000000000
Top: 262.00000000000000
Right: 70.00000000000000
Bottom: 244.00000000000000
Left: 191.00000000000000
Top: 110.00000000000000
Right: 421.00000000000000
Bottom: 67.00000000000000
Left: 192.00000000000000
Top: 70.00000000000000
Right: 392.00000000000000
Bottom: 51.00000000000000
InternalName: "aTextLabel3"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Click on the tool\nicon to set its\ndefault values."
Listening: 1
InternalName: "CalloutIcons"
Help: "Click on tool icon to select it"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
ColumnCount: 1
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Defaults Change Icon"
SelectionStyle: 61
InternalName: "HwyPan"
Disabled: 1
Child: 63
Child: 64
Child: 65
Child: 66
Child: 67
Child: 68
Child: 69
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 70
ResBox: 71
ResBox: 72
ResBox: 73
ResBox: 74
ResBox: 75
ResBox: 76
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "UseOnlyNums"
Help: "Choose this to show only the numeric portion of the highway label"
Listening: 1
Label: "Show only numbers"
Click: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
Constraints: 0x55
InternalName: "HwyOL"
Help: "Choose an outline color for your highway shield"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "HwySize"
Help: "Choose a size for your highway shield"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
InternalName: "l1"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Size (pts):"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "t2"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Outline color:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "HwyFillLab"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Fill color:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "HwyFill"
Help: "Choose a background fill color for your highway shield"
NextControl: 16
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Select: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
Left: 11.00000000000000
Top: 112.00000000000000
Right: 164.00000000000000
Bottom: 84.00000000000000
Left: 88.00000000000000
Top: 156.00000000000000
Right: 208.00000000000000
Bottom: 36.00000000000000
Left: 88.00000000000000
Top: 133.00000000000000
Right: 208.00000000000000
Bottom: 13.00000000000000
Left: 11.00000000000000
Top: 28.00000000000000
Right: 92.00000000000000
Bottom: 12.00000000000000
Left: 11.00000000000000
Top: 52.00000000000000
Right: 92.00000000000000
Bottom: 35.00000000000000
Left: 11.00000000000000
Top: 77.00000000000000
Right: 93.00000000000000
Bottom: 57.00000000000000
Left: 88.00000000000000
Top: 180.00000000000000
Right: 208.00000000000000
Bottom: 60.00000000000000
Left: 414.00000000000000
Top: 308.00000000000000
Right: 496.00000000000000
Bottom: 283.00000000000000
Left: 503.00000000000000
Top: 308.00000000000000
Right: 585.00000000000000
Bottom: 283.00000000000000
Left: 156.00000000000000
Top: 276.00000000000000
Right: 586.00000000000000
Bottom: 3.00000000000000
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 72.00000000000000
Right: 124.00000000000000
Bottom: 11.00000000000000
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 161.00000000000000
Right: 146.00000000000000
Bottom: 74.00000000000000
Left: 171.00000000000000
Top: 485.00000000000000
Right: 401.00000000000000
Bottom: 338.00000000000000
Name: "View.Hwy Name Too Big"
X: 13
Y: 130
W: 411
H: 236
ConstrainedControlNames: 85
ConstrainedControlNames: 86
Constraints: 87
Constraints: 88
Server: 7
ControlPanel: 89
Title: "Highway Label Tool cannot use:"
EscapeEnabled: 1
Modal: 1
AlwaysOnTop: 1
HasTitleBar: 1
Closeable: 1
DefaultButton: 105
S: "OK"
S: "Cancel"
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
Child: 90
Child: 91
Child: 93
Child: 94
Child: 95
Child: 96
Child: 97
ResBox: 98
ResBox: 99
ResBox: 100
ResBox: 101
ResBox: 102
ResBox: 103
ResBox: 104
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel22"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "A highway number could not be determined for the feature you\nclicked on. Check to make sure your theme has its label field\nproperty set to a field that contains highway numbers. Also\nArcView is using the topmost active theme, try making your\nhighway theme the only active theme if it is not."
Listening: 1
InternalName: "userShortName"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 92
Changed: "View.SixCharUpdate"
NextControl: 16
InternalName: "aTextLabel28"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Or, if you want, you can enter the highway number that is\ncorrect for where you clicked."
Listening: 1
InternalName: "OK"
Label: "OK"
Click: "View.Highway Tool Huge number"
InternalName: "Cancel"
Label: "Cancel"
Click: "View.Highway Tool Huge number"
InternalName: "aTextLabel32"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "(Limit = 6 characters)"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel2"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Use this highway number instead:"
Listening: 1
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 107.00000000000000
Right: 406.00000000000000
Bottom: 7.00000000000000
Left: 222.00000000000000
Top: 178.00000000000000
Right: 345.00000000000000
Bottom: 158.00000000000000
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 155.00000000000000
Right: 389.00000000000000
Bottom: 110.00000000000000
Left: 286.00000000000000
Top: 230.00000000000000
Right: 368.00000000000000
Bottom: 206.00000000000000
Left: 200.00000000000000
Top: 230.00000000000000
Right: 281.00000000000000
Bottom: 206.00000000000000
Left: 229.00000000000000
Top: 206.00000000000000
Right: 394.00000000000000
Bottom: 184.00000000000000
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 181.00000000000000
Right: 223.00000000000000
Bottom: 161.00000000000000
Name: "View.User Hwy Num"
X: 13
Y: 65
W: 363
H: 195
ConstrainedControlNames: 107
ConstrainedControlNames: 108
Constraints: 109
Constraints: 110
Server: 7
ControlPanel: 111
Title: "A highway label cannot be placed"
EscapeEnabled: 1
Modal: 1
AlwaysOnTop: 1
HasTitleBar: 1
Closeable: 1
DefaultButton: 125
S: "Cancel"
S: "OK"
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
Child: 112
Child: 114
Child: 115
Child: 116
Child: 117
Child: 118
ResBox: 119
ResBox: 120
ResBox: 121
ResBox: 122
ResBox: 123
ResBox: 124
Listening: 1
InternalName: "UserNum"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 113
Changed: "View.SixCharUpdate"
NextControl: 16
InternalName: "aTextLabel16"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "ArcView cannot locate a highway at the location you\nclicked or the highway at that location did not have a\nlabel in its attribute table. Please enter a highway\nnumber if you know it."
Listening: 1
InternalName: "Cancel"
Label: "Cancel"
Click: "View.Highway Tool User Number"
InternalName: "OK"
Label: "OK"
Click: "View.Highway Tool User Number"
InternalName: "aTextLabel33"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "(Limit = 6 characters)"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel1"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "HIghway number:"
Listening: 1
Left: 134.00000000000000
Top: 137.00000000000000
Right: 265.00000000000000
Bottom: 117.00000000000000
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 108.00000000000000
Right: 351.00000000000000
Bottom: 14.00000000000000
Left: 151.00000000000000
Top: 189.00000000000000
Right: 233.00000000000000
Bottom: 164.00000000000000
Left: 238.00000000000000
Top: 189.00000000000000
Right: 319.00000000000000
Bottom: 164.00000000000000
Left: 139.00000000000000
Top: 161.00000000000000
Right: 335.00000000000000
Bottom: 139.00000000000000
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 146.00000000000000
Right: 140.00000000000000
Bottom: 119.00000000000000
Name: "Graphic.Label Control Update"
SourceCode: "'** This script updates the user interface \n'** based on the state of checkboxes, and\n'** Updates the Temporary preferences.\n\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\n\nTSample = CPC.FindByName(\"TSample\")\nCStyle = CPC.FindByName(\"CStyle\").GetSelection\nIconList = CPC.FindByName(\"CalloutIcons\")\nUseSymWinDefs = CPC.FindByName(\"UseSymWinDefs\").IsSelected\n\nif (IconList.GetSelection.Count < 1) then\n CurrIcon = IconList.GetList.Get(0).Get(0).GetName\nelse\n CurrIcon = IconList.GetSelection.Get(0).GetName\nend\n\n
thePrefs = IconList.GetObjectTag.Get(CurrIcon)\n\nisHwy = true\nif ((CurrIcon.Left(1) = \"T\") or (CurrIcon.Left(1) = \"L\")) then\n isHwy = false\nend\n\n' NON-HIGHWAY HIGHWAY\n'(0) Font Family (String) Font Family (String)\n'(1) Font Style (String) Font Style (String)\n'(2) Font Size (Number) Font Color (String)\n'(3) Font Color (String) Overall Size (Number)\n'(4) Fill Color (String) Outline Color (String)\n'(5) HasOutline (Boolean) Fill Color (Str
SourceCode: "CPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\nReset = CPC.FindByName(\"Cancel\")\nif (Self.GetName = \"OK\") then\n Reset.SetObjectTag(\"nil\")\n '** Meaning: the close script will not reset the values\n '** like it would if Cancel or Escape were clicked.\nend\nCPC.Close \n"
Name: "Graphic.Label Defaults Change Icon"
SourceCode: "'** This script Updates the user interface to \n'** either reflect the current defaults, or the\n'** temporary defaults for the selected tool.\n'** This script is additionally responsible for\n'** setting the state of controls based on their\n'** applicability to certain tools.\n\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\n\nCFont = CPC.FindByName(\"FontName\")\nCSize = CPC.FindByName(\"CSize\")\nCStyle = CPC.FindByName(\"CStyle\")\nCColor = CPC.FindByName(\"FontColor\")\nBGColor = CPC.FindByName(\"BGColor\")\nOLColor = CPC.Fi
BGSyms = (theFGSyms.DeepClone) + {\"Transparent\"}\ntheDSSyms = {\"Dark Grey\",\"Medium Grey\",\"Dark Red\",\"Dark Orange\",\"Dark Yellow\",\"Dark Green\",\"Dark Cyan\",\n \"Dark Blue\",\"Dark Purple\"}\nOLW = {0.1,0.2,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0}\n\nfSizes = {}\nfor each x in 4..24\n fSizes.Add(x)\nend\nfor each x in 26..72 by 2\n fSizes.Add(x)\nend\nHwySizes = {}\nfor each x in 12..72 by 2\n HwySizes.Add(x)\nend\n\n'** Update the control panel label **\n\nPanLab = \"Defaults for \"\nif (CurrIcon.Left(1) = \"T\") then\n R = CurrIcon
tn\nend \nPropsPanel.SetLabel(PanLab)\n\n\n'** Update the User Interface to reflect the correct\n'** Settings for the newly selected tool.\n\nthePrefs = IconList.GetObjectTag.Get(CurrIcon)\n\n' NON-HIGHWAY HIGHWAY\n'(0) Font Family (String) Font Family (String)\n'(1) Font Style (String) Font Style (String)\n'(2) Font Size (Number) Font Color (String)\n'(3) Font Color (String) Overall Size (Number)\n'(4) Fill Color (String) Outline Color (String)\n'(5) HasO
utline (Boolean) Fill Color (String)\n'(6) OLColor (String) Numbers Only (Boolean)\n'(7) OLWidth (Number) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n'(8) HasDropShadow (Boolean)\n'(9) DSColor (String)\n'(10) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n\n'**Set the font information\n\ntheFontName = thePrefs.Get(0)\ntheFontStyle = thePrefs.Get(1)\nif (CurrIcon.Left(1) <> \"H\") then \n isDefFont = thePrefs.Get(10)\n TheFontSize = thePrefs.Get(2)\n TheFontColor = thePrefs.Get(3)\n t4.SetEnabled(isDefFont.Not)\n CSize.SetE
DefineFromList(({theFontStyle} + theStyles.DeepClone))\nCSize.DefineFromList(({TheFontSize}+fsizes.DeepClone))\nCColor.DefineFromList(({TheFontColor}+theFGSyms.DeepClone))\n\n'** Set the ExtraInformation and user interface status\n\nif (CurrIcon.Left(1) <> \"H\") then \n \n '** Move the panels\n if (TagTextPan.IsEnabled.Not) then\n HwyPan.MoveTo(1500,1500)\n HwyPan.SetEnabled(false)\n TagTextPan.SetEnabled(true)\n TagTextPan.MoveTo(191,116)\n end\n\n HasOL = thePrefs.Get(5)\n UseOutline.SetSelected(HasOL)\n
HasDS = thePrefs.Get(8)\n CDS.SetSelected(HasDS)\n\n theFillColor = thePrefs.Get(4)\n TheOLColor = thePrefs.Get(6)\n theOLWidth = thePrefs.Get(7)\n theDSColor = thePrefs.Get(9)\n BGCOlor.DefineFromList( ({theFillColor}+theBGSyms.DeepClone) )\n OLColor.DefineFromList( ({TheOLColor}+theFGSyms.DeepClone) )\n DSColor.DefineFromList( ({theDSColor}+theDSSyms.DeepClone) )\n COLWidth.DefineFromList( ({theOLWidth}+OLW.DeepClone) )\n \n '** Now Set the user interface status based on the newly selected tool\n if ((Curr
Icon = \"TTool1\") OR (CurrIcon = \"LTool1\") OR (CurrIcon = \"TTool6\")) then\n BGColor.SetEnabled(false)\n OLColor.SetEnabled(false)\n DSColor.SetEnabled(false)\n CDS.SetEnabled(false)\n CDS.SetSelected(false)\n UseOutline.SetEnabled(false)\n UseOutline.SetSelected(false)\n t6.SetEnabled(false)\n ColWidth.SetEnabled(false)\n t7.SetEnabled(false)\n t8.SetEnabled(false)\n DSLabel.SetEnabled(false)\n elseif ((CurrIcon = \"TTool3\") OR (CurrIcon = \"LTool3\")) then\n if (HasOL) then\n BGCo
.25,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0}\n\nfSizes = {}\nfor each x in 4..24\n fSizes.Add(x)\nend\nfor each x in 26..72 by 2\n fSizes.Add(x)\nend\n\n'** Propagate Default values if this is the first time the dialog has been opened **\nfor each k in keyNames\n if (thePrefs.Get(k) = nil) then\n \n '** This bit sets us up with the current symbolwindow default textsymbol\n defTxt = av.GetSymbolWin.ReturnCurrentSymbol(#SYMBOL_TEXT)\n df = defTxt.GetFont.GetFamily\n ds = defTxt.GetFont.GetStyle\n dz = defTxt.GetSize\n dc
= defTxt.GetColor\n dcn = \"Unnamed Color\"\n for each c in theFGSyms\n if (dc = (av.Run(\"View.Return Color\",c)) ) then\n dcn = c\n break\n end\n end\n '** Set the default properties dictionaries\n if ((k.Left(1) = \"T\") or (k.Left(1) = \"L\")) then\n '(0) Font Family (String) \n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Size (Number)\n '(3) Font Color (String)\n '(4) Fill Color (String)\n '(5) HasOutline (Boolean)\n '(6) OLColor
(String)\n '(7) OLWidth (Number)\n '(8) HasDropShadow (Boolean)\n '(9) DSColor (String)\n '(10) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n if ((k = \"TTool3\") or (k = \"LTool3\") or (k = \"TTool1\") or (k = \"LTool1\") or (k = \"TTool6\")) then\n thePrefs.Add(k,{df.Clone,ds.Clone,dz.Clone,dcn.Clone,\"Transparent\",false,\"Black\",OLW.Get(0).Clone,false,\"Dark Gray\",true}) \n elseif (k = \"TTool5\") then\n thePrefs.Add(k,{df.Clone,ds.Clone,dz.Clone,dcn.Clone,\"Transparent\",false,\"Blac
k\",OLW.Get(0).Clone,true,\"Dark Gray\",true}) \n else\n thePrefs.Add(k,{df.Clone,ds.Clone,dz.Clone,dcn.Clone,\"Light Yellow\",true,\"Black\",OLW.Get(0).Clone,true,\"Dark Gray\",true})\n end\n else 'Highway tool \n '(0) Font Family (String)\n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Color (String)\n '(3) Overall Size (Number) \n '(4) Outline Color (String) \n '(5) Fill Color (String) \n '(6) Numbers Only (Boolean) \n '(7) UseDefFont (Bool
ean)\n tcol = \"Black\"\n if (k = \"HTool1\") then\n tcol = \"White\"\n end\n thePrefs.Add(k,{thefonts.Get(0).Clone,theStyles.Get(0).Clone,tcol,18,tcol,\"White\",true,false})\n end \n end\nend\n\n'** Set the reset button's object tag to contain the default values that\n'** were found when the dialog opened.\n\nIconList.SetObjectTag(thePrefs.Clone)\nhh = thePrefs.ReturnKeys\nnn = Dictionary.Make(hh.Count)\nfor each key in hh\n oldVal = thePrefs.Get(Key)\n nn.Add(key.Clone,oldVal.DeepClone)\nend\nReset.
SetObjectTag(nn)\n\n\n'** Set Current Default Values For the Tool defaults that will initially be shown**\n\nfSizes.Insert(thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(2))\nUseSymWinDefs.SetSelected(thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(10))\n\n\nif (UseSymWinDefs.IsSelected) then\n TSample.DefineFromList({av.GetSymbolWin.ReturnCurrentSymbol(#SYMBOL_TEXT)})\n CFont.DefineFromList({av.GetSymbolWin.ReturnCurrentSymbol(#SYMBOL_TEXT).GetFont.GetFamily})\n CFont.SetSelection(Rect.Make(0@0,1@1),false)\n Cfont.GoRow(0)\n Cfont.ShowCurrent \nelse\n famn
= thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(0)\n fams = thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(1)\n famz = thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(2)\n famc = thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(3)\n if (theFonts.FindByValue(famn) = -1) then\n tsf = av.GetSymbolWin.ReturnCurrentSymbol(#SYMBOL_TEXT).GetFont\n else\n tsf = Font.Make(famn,fams)\n end\n ts = TextSymbol.Make\n '** This is for UNIX where the default font may not be correct.\n ts.SetFont(tsf)\n ts.SetSize(famz)\n ts.SetColor(av.Run(\"View.Return Color\",famc))\n TSample.DefineFromList({ts})\n
CFont.DefineFromList(thefonts)\n dfidx = theFonts.FindByValue(tsf.GetFamily)\n if (dfidx = -1) then\n dfidx = 0\n end\n Cfont.SetSelection(Rect.Make(0@dfidx,1@1),false)\n Cfont.GoRow(dfidx)\n Cfont.ShowCurrent\nend\nfor each rrr in 0..(TSample.GetRowCount-1)\n TSample.GoRow(rrr)\n TSample.SetRowHeight(1)\nend\ntheStyles.Insert(thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(1))\nfSizes.Insert(thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(2))\ntheBGSyms.Insert(thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(4))\nUseOutline.SetSelected(thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(5))\ntheOL
nabled(false)\n\n\nCSize.DefineFromList(fSizes)\nCStyle.DefineFromList(theStyles)\nCColor.DefineFromList(({thePrefs.Get(\"TTool1\").Get(3)} + (theFGSyms.DeepClone)))\nCBGColor.DefineFromList(theBGSyms)\nCOLColor.DefineFromList(theOLSyms)\nCOLWidth.DefineFromList(OLW)\nCDSColor.DefineFromList(theDSSyms)\n\nHwySizes = {thePrefs.Get(\"HTool1\").Get(3)}\nfor each x in 12..72 by 2\n HwySizes.Add(x)\nend\nHwySize.DefineFromList(HwySizes)\nReset.SetEnabled(true)\n\nIconList.Focus\nIconList.GoColumn(0)\nIconList.SetSelection(Rect.Make(0@
fSizes.Add(x)\nend\nfor each x in 26..72 by 2\n fSizes.Add(x)\nend\n\nIconList = GLD.FindByName(\"CalloutIcons\")\nif (IconList.GetSelection.Count < 1) then\n CurrIcon = IconList.GetList.Get(0).Get(0).GetName\nelse\n CurrIcon = IconList.GetSelection.Get(0).GetName\nend\nthePrefs = IconList.GetObjectTag.Get(CurrIcon)\n\n\n' NON-HIGHWAY HIGHWAY\n'(0) Font Family (String) Font Family (String)\n'(1) Font Style (String) Font Style (String)\n'(2) Font Size (Number) Font Color
(String)\n'(3) Font Color (String) Overall Size (Number)\n'(4) Fill Color (String) Outline Color (String)\n'(5) HasOutline (Boolean) Fill Color (String)\n'(6) OLColor (String) Numbers Only (Boolean)\n'(7) OLWidth (Number) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n'(8) HasDropShadow (Boolean)\n'(9) DSColor (String)\n'(10) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n\nif (CurrIcon.Left(1) = \"H\") then\n thePrefs.Set(7,UseSymWinDefs.IsSelected)\nelse\n thePrefs.Set(10,UseSymWinDefs.IsSelected)\nend\n\ne = tr
ue\nnts = av.GetSymbolWin.ReturnCurrentSymbol(#SYMBOL_TEXT).Clone\ndc = nts.GetColor\ndcn = \"Unnamed Color\"\nfor each c in theFGSyms\n if (dc = (av.Run(\"View.Return Color\",c)) ) then\n dcn = c\n break\n end\nend\n\nif (UseSymWinDefs.IsSelected) then 'We turned it on.\n '**Set the preferences such that they reflect the default font.\n e = false\n thePrefs.Set(0, nts.GetFont.GetFamily)\n thePrefs.Set(1, nts.GetFont.GetStyle)\n if (CurrIcon.Left(1) = \"H\") then\n thePrefs.Set(2,dcn)\n else\n thePrefs.Set(2, nt
SetOLColor(COLColor)\n BgFill.SetOLWidth(COLWidth)\nelse\n BgFill.SetOutLined(false)\nend\n\n'Determine which side of leader to position box\n\nCurrentTextWidth = t.GetBounds.GetWidth\nCurrentTextHeight = t.GetBounds.GetHeight\nCurrentTextOrigin = t.GetBounds.ReturnOrigin\nExpandDist = (CurrentTextHeight)/5\n\nx1 = pt1.GetX\nx2 = pt2.GetX\ny1 = pt1.GetY\ny2 = pt2.GetY\nxDiff = x1 - x2\nyDiff = y1 - y2\n \nif (xDiff.Abs < (yDiff/5).Abs ) then \n '** Means that the line was dragged a distance at least five times \n '** greater
in the y direction. So, center the label directly above \n '** or below pt2\n if (y1 > y2) then 'Below\n TXAdj = -CurrentTextWidth/2 \n TYAdj = -(CurrentTextHeight) \n elseif (y1 < y2) then 'Above\n TXAdj = -CurrentTextWidth/2 \n TYAdj = ExpandDist \n end\nelseif (yDiff.Abs < (xDiff/5).Abs ) then\n '** Means that the line was dragged a distance at least five times \n '** greater in the x direction. So, center the label directly to the \n '** right or left of pt2\n if (x1 > x2) then 'Left\n
TXAdj = -(CurrentTextWidth - ExpandDist) \n TYAdj = -CurrentTextHeight/2 \n elseif (x1 < x2) then 'Right\n TXAdj = ExpandDist \n TYAdj = -CurrentTextHeight/2 \n end \nelse\n '** Means that while the line was not in a fairly vertical or \n '** horizontal direction, so there are four potential placements\n if ((x2 > x1) and (y2 > y1)) then 'Cartesian 1\n TXAdj = ExpandDist \n TYAdj = -((CurrentTextHeight/2) - ExpandDist) \n elseif ((x2 < x1) and (y2 > y1)) then 'Cartes
yDiff/5).Abs ) then \n '** Means that the line was dragged a distance at least five times \n '** greater in the y direction. So, center the label directly above \n '** or below pt2\n if (y1 > y2) then 'Below\n TXAdj = -CurrentTextWidth/2 \n TYAdj = -(CurrentTextHeight) \n elseif (y1 < y2) then 'Above\n TXAdj = -CurrentTextWidth/2 \n TYAdj = ExpandDist \n end\nelseif (yDiff.Abs < (xDiff/5).Abs ) then\n '** Means that the line was dragged a distance at least five times \n '** greater in the x
direction. So, center the label directly to the \n '** right or left of pt2\n if (x1 > x2) then 'Left\n TXAdj = -(CurrentTextWidth - ExpandDist) \n TYAdj = -CurrentTextHeight/2 \n elseif (x1 < x2) then 'Right\n TXAdj = ExpandDist \n TYAdj = -CurrentTextHeight/2 \n end \nelse\n '** Means that while the line was not in a fairly vertical or \n '** horizontal direction, so there are four potential placements\n if ((x2 > x1) and (y2 > y1)) then 'Cartesian 1\n TXAdj = ExpandDist \n TYAdj = -
ActiveDoc\n\nif (td.GetGraphics.EditText) then\n return nil\nend\n\n'do it slightly differently if using a view document.\n\nif (td.Is(Layout)) then\n ul = td.GetDisplay.ReturnUserLine\nelseif (td.Is(View)) then\n ul = td.ReturnUserLine\nend\nif (ul.IsNull) then return nil end\n\npt1 = ul.ReturnStart\npt2 = ul.ReturnEnd\nt = GraphicText.Make(\"\", pt2)\nt.SetDisplay(td.GetDisplay)\ntd.GetDisplay.HookUpSymbol(t.GetSymbol)\ntd.GetGraphics.UnselectAll\nt.SetSelected(TRUE)\n\nif ((t.EditText).not) then return nil end \nif (t.gettex
t.count < 1) then return nil end \nt.GetSymbol.SetFont(Font.Make(CFont,CStyle))\nt.GetSymbol.SetSize(CSize)\nt.GetSymbol.SetColor(CColor)\nt.SetName(\"Callout\") \ntd.GetGraphics.Add(t)\n\n'Determine which side of leader to position box\nif ((pt1.GetX <= pt2.GetX) and (pt1.GetY <= pt2.GetY)) then \n bb = t.GetBounds.Clone.ExpandBy(t.GetBounds.GetHeight * 0.1)\n bo_x = bb.ReturnOrigin.GetX\n bo_y = bb.ReturnOrigin.GetY\n bw = ((bb.GetWidth) * 1.08)\n bh = ((bb.GetHeight) * 1.1)\n boxoriginx = bo_x - (bw / 10)\n bo
Selected(false)\n if (t.EditText) then\n if (t.gettext.count<1) then return nil end\n theDoc.GetGraphics.Add(t)\n NumLines = t.GetText.AsTokens(nl).Count\n CurrentTextHeight = t.GetBounds.GetHeight\n ExpandDist = (CurrentTextHeight/NumLines)/25\n t2=t.clone\n t2.SetName(\"Callout\")\n theDoc.GetGraphics.Add(t2)\n t2.offset(point.make(ExpandDist,-ExpandDist))\n t2.GetSymbol.SetColor(CDSColor)\n theDoc.GetDisplay.HookUpSymbol(t2.GetSymbol)\n BGRect = t2.GetBounds.Clone' .UnionWith(t.Get
Bounds.Clone)\n theDoc.GetGraphics.UnselectAll\n t2.SetSelected(TRUE)\n theDoc.GetGraphics.MoveSelectedToBack\n t.SetSelected(TRUE)\n theDoc.GetGraphics.GroupSelected\n theDoc.GetGraphics.MoveSelectedToFront\n theDoc.GetGraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).SetUniformScaling(true)\n theDoc.GetGraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).SetName(\"Callout\")\n if (theDoc.Is(View)) then\n if (theDoc.GetActiveThemes.Count > 0) then\n theDoc.GetActiveThemes.Get(0).GetGraphics.Add(theDoc.getGraphics.GetSelected.G
et(0))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n"
Name: "View.Highway Strip Down to Number"
SourceCode: "InNum = Self\n\nif (InNum.IsNumber) then\n return InNum\nelse\n HNum = \"\"\n for each c in 0..(InNum.Count - 1)\n ch = InNum.Middle(c,1)\n if (ch.IsNumber) then\n HNum = HNum + ch\n end\n end\n if (HNum.Count > 6) then\n HNum = HNum.Left(6)\n end\n return HNum\nend\n"
Name: "View.Highway Tool Huge number"
SourceCode: "MXX = av.FindDialog(\"View.Hwy Name Too Big\")\n\nMXX.Close\n\nif(Self.GetName = \"Cancel\") then\n MXX.FindByName(\"userShortName\").SetText(\"\")\nend"
Name: "View.Highway Tool Label Placer"
SourceCode: "'** This script accepts parameters from the highway\n'** tool apply scripts and uses them to produce a\n'** highway shield with an appropriate label.\n\nHwyThm = nil\nv = av.GetActiveDoc\nfor each t in v.GetActiveThemes\n if ((t.CanFindByPoint) and (t.HasAttributes)) then\n HwyThm = t\n break\n end\nend\n\nToolStr = Self.Get(1)\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\nIconList = CPC.FindByName(\"CalloutIcons\")\nthePrefs = IconList.GetObjectTag.Get(ToolStr)\n\nMrkSize = thePrefs.Get(3).Clone\nLabFont = thePrefs
m = av.Run(\"View.ReturnLabelString\",{HwyThm,recNums,1})\n\nif ((HwyNum = nil) OR (HwyNum = \"\")) then\n UHN = av.FindDialog(\"View.User Hwy Num\")\n UHN.FindByName(\"UserNum\").SetText(\"\")\n UHN.FindByName(\"UserNum\").Focus\n UHN.Open\n if ((UHN.FindByName(\"UserNum\").GetText <> nil) and (UHN.FindByName(\"UserNum\").GetText <> \"\")) then\n HwyNum = UHN.FindByName(\"UserNum\").GetText\n else\n return nil\n end \nend\n\nLhm = HwyNum.Trim\nif (NumsOnly) then\n Nums = {\"0\",\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5\",\"6\",\"7\",\"8\",\"9\"}\n for each n
n in 0..(Nums.Count - 1)\n if ( HwyNum.Contains(Nums.Get(nn)) )then\n FoundNum = true\n break\n end\n end\n HwyNum = av.Run(\"View.Highway Strip Down to Number\",Lhm)\n if (HwyNum = \"\") then\n return nil\n end\nelse\n HwyNum = Lhm\nend\n\nHwyStrSize = HwyNum.Count\nif (HwyStrSize > 6) then \n HwyTokens = HwyNum.AsTokens(\" \")\n DerivedNum = false\n DerivedDes = false\n HNum = \"\"\n HDes = \"\"\n for each tx in HwyTokens\n if ((tx.IsNumber) and (not DerivedNum)) then\n DerivedNum = true\n HNum =
tx\n elseif ((tx.IsNumber.Not) and (not DerivedDes)) then\n CommonThwarts = {\"INTERSTATE\",\"Interstate\",\"I-\",\"ROUTE\",\"Route\",\"US-\",\"US Route\",\"US ROUTE\",\"U.S.\",\n \"Ramp\",\"Hwy\",\"Highway\",\"Rte\",\"rte\",\"County\",\"Cty\",\"Business\",\"Bus\",\"Alt\",\"Alternate\"}\n CommonSubs = {\"I\",\"I\",\"I\",\"\",\"\",\"US\",\"US\",\"US\",\"US\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"B\",\"B\",\"A\",\"A\"}\n for each nn in 0..(CommonThwarts.Count - 1)\n if ( ( tx.Contains(CommonThwarts.Get(nn)) ) and (Not DerivedDes) )then\n D
SourceCode: "'** This script sends positioning and construction parameters\n'** a master script that will build the symbol and place it\n'** in the view.\n\n '(0) Font Family (String)\n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Color (String)\n '(3) Overall Size (Number) \n '(4) Outline Color (String) \n '(5) Fill Color (String) \n '(6) Numbers Only (Boolean) \n '(7) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\nIconList = CPC.FindByName(\"Callout
x = av.Run(\"View.Highway Tool Label Placer\", Hinfo)\n"
Name: "View.Highway2 Apply"
SourceCode: "'** This script sends positioning and construction parameters\n'** a master script that will build the symbol and place it\n'** in the view.\n\n '(0) Font Family (String)\n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Color (String)\n '(3) Overall Size (Number) \n '(4) Outline Color (String) \n '(5) Fill Color (String) \n '(6) Numbers Only (Boolean) \n '(7) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\nIconList = CPC.FindByName(\"Callout
SourceCode: "'** This script sends positioning and construction parameters\n'** a master script that will build the symbol and place it\n'** in the view.\n\n '(0) Font Family (String)\n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Color (String)\n '(3) Overall Size (Number) \n '(4) Outline Color (String) \n '(5) Fill Color (String) \n '(6) Numbers Only (Boolean) \n '(7) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\nIconList = CPC.FindByName(\"Callout
ber strings. This will be different for each\n'** Highway Shield symbol\n\nparamv1 = 0\nparamv2 = 0\nparamv3 = 0\nparamv4 = 0\nparamv5 = 0\nparamv6 = 0\n\n'** Text Adjustments represent the percentage label point size\n'** is of the total point\nparamt1 = 0.55\nparamt2 = 0.55\nparamt3 = 0.4\nparamt4 = 0.3\nparamt5 = 0.24\nparamt6 = 0.2\n\n\n'** Send the marker symbols that are needed to construct the \n'** appropriate highway shield\n\nmrk1 = BasicMarker.Make\nmrk1.SetStyle(#BASICMARKER_STYLE_PATTERN)\nmrk1.SetFont(Font.Make(\"ESRI
SourceCode: "'** This script sends positioning and construction parameters\n'** a master script that will build the symbol and place it\n'** in the view.\n\n '(0) Font Family (String)\n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Color (String)\n '(3) Overall Size (Number) \n '(4) Outline Color (String) \n '(5) Fill Color (String) \n '(6) Numbers Only (Boolean) \n '(7) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\nIconList = CPC.FindByName(\"Callout
mber strings. This will be different for each\n'** Highway Shield symbol\n\nparamv1 = 0.0\nparamv2 = 0.0\nparamv3 = 0.0\nparamv4 = 0.0\nparamv5 = 0.0\nparamv6 = 0.0\n\n'** Text Adjustments represent the percentage label point size\n'** is of the total point\n\nparamt1 = 0.5\nparamt2 = 0.5\nparamt3 = 0.37\nparamt4 = 0.29\nparamt5 = 0.22\nparamt6 = 0.19\n\n\n\n'** Send the marker symbols that are needed to construct the \n'** appropriate highway shield\n\nmrk1 = BasicMarker.Make\nmrk1.SetStyle(#BASICMARKER_STYLE_PATTERN)\nmrk1.SetFont(
SourceCode: "'** This script sends positioning and construction parameters\n'** a master script that will build the symbol and place it\n'** in the view.\n\n\n '(0) Font Family (String)\n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Color (String)\n '(3) Overall Size (Number) \n '(4) Outline Color (String) \n '(5) Fill Color (String) \n '(6) Numbers Only (Boolean) \n '(7) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n\nCPC = av.FindDialog(\"Graphic.Label Defaults\")\nIconList = CPC.FindByName(\"Callou
dium Cyan\",\n \"Light Cyan\",\"Dark Blue\",\"Medium Blue\",\"Light Blue\",\"Dark Purple\",\"Medium Purple\",\"Light Purple\"}\ntheOLSyms = theFGSyms.DeepClone\ntheBGSyms = (theFGSyms.DeepClone) + {\"Transparent\"}\ntheDSSyms = {\"Dark Grey\",\"Medium Grey\",\"Dark Red\",\"Dark Orange\",\"Dark Yellow\",\"Dark Green\",\"Dark Cyan\",\n \"Dark Blue\",\"Dark Purple\"}\nOLW = {0.1,0.2,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0}\n\nfSizes = {}\nfor each x in 4..24\n fSizes.Add(x)\nend\nfor each x in 26..72 by 2\n fSizes.Add(x)\nend\n\n'** Propagate D
efault values if this is the first time the dialog has been opened **\nfor each k in keyNames\n if (thePrefs.Get(k) = nil) then\n \n '** This bit sets us up with the current symbolwindow default textsymbol\n defTxt = av.GetSymbolWin.ReturnCurrentSymbol(#SYMBOL_TEXT)\n df = defTxt.GetFont.GetFamily\n ds = defTxt.GetFont.GetStyle\n dz = defTxt.GetSize\n dc = defTxt.GetColor\n dcn = \"Unnamed Color\"\n for each c in theFGSyms\n if (dc = (av.Run(\"View.Return Color\",c)) ) then\n dcn = c\n
break\n end\n end\n '** Set the default properties dictionaries\n if ((k.Left(1) = \"T\") or (k.Left(1) = \"L\")) then\n '(0) Font Family (String) \n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Size (Number)\n '(3) Font Color (String)\n '(4) Fill Color (String)\n '(5) HasOutline (Boolean)\n '(6) OLColor (String)\n '(7) OLWidth (Number)\n '(8) HasDropShadow (Boolean)\n '(9) DSColor (String)\n '(10) UseDefFont (B
oolean)\n if ((k = \"TTool3\") or (k = \"LTool3\") or (k = \"TTool1\") or (k = \"TTool6\") or (k = \"LTool1\")) then\n thePrefs.Add(k,{df.Clone,ds.Clone,dz.Clone,dcn.Clone,\"Transparent\",false,\"Black\",OLW.Get(0).Clone,false,\"Dark Gray\",true}) \n elseif (k = \"TTool5\") then\n thePrefs.Add(k,{df.Clone,ds.Clone,dz.Clone,dcn.Clone,\"Transparent\",false,\"Black\",OLW.Get(0).Clone,true,\"Dark Gray\",true}) \n else\n thePrefs.Add(k,{df.Clone,ds.Clone,dz.Clone,dcn.Clone,\"Light Yellow\",true,\"Bl
ack\",OLW.Get(0).Clone,true,\"Dark Gray\",true})\n end\n else 'Highway tool \n '(0) Font Family (String)\n '(1) Font Style (String)\n '(2) Font Color (String)\n '(3) Overall Size (Number) \n '(4) Outline Color (String) \n '(5) Fill Color (String) \n '(6) Numbers Only (Boolean) \n '(7) UseDefFont (Boolean)\n tcol = \"Black\"\n if (k = \"HTool1\") then\n tcol = \"White\"\n end\n thePrefs.Add(k,{thefonts.Get(0).Clone,theStyles.Get
(0).Clone,tcol.Clone,18,tcol,\"White\",true,false})\n end \n end\nend\n\n'** Set the reset button's object tag to contain the default values that\n'** were found when the dialog opened.\nIconList.SetObjectTag(thePrefs.Clone)\nhh = thePrefs.ReturnKeys\nnn = Dictionary.Make(hh.Count)\nfor each key in hh\n oldVal = thePrefs.Get(Key)\n nn.Add(key.Clone,oldVal.DeepClone)\nend\nReset.SetObjectTag(nn)\n\n\n"